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Blickfelder Festival

Hilfe! aber:…

The crackling sound that water makes when being poured into a clay pot filled with dry soil

Material für die nächste Schicht (AT)

We are a lot, really quite a lot of people in this world and quite a lot of living beings that exist alongside and with each other. It's not easy to keep track of them all. Finding ways in which we can live well together is not an easy task either. What does it mean to live in the right way? We don't know, and might never find out. But does that mean we fail? Or is the idea of "failure" wrong to begin with?

"Help! but:..." is a performative chaos in which failure is part of the daily agenda - or not: Through living and trying to support others, something is created together. Again and again.

This is a co-production of Schlachthaustheater Bern (CH) and Material für die nächste Schicht (AUT) - A project in the context of the master's program "Expanded Theater" at the Bern University of the Arts

Theater Stadelhofen
60 Min
Wheelchair accessible
Internationales Theater-/Tanzprogramm


Artistic direction, creation, performance, stage:

Stefan Ebner

Creation, performance:

Seraphina Schweiger, Martin Geisler, Malte Homfeldt, Antonio Ramón Luque


Karolina Jansová


Regula Schröter


Lorenz Gurtner


Ben Zurbriggen