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Blickfelder Festival


This participatory installation at the festival's center invites young and old to build a network of ball tracks with a creative array of recycled materials. Various tracks run next to each other, sometimes connecting, sometimes simply ending on the square. The scenography team of OFFCUT Zurich oversees this project, offering ideas, work materials, and support for the attending school classes and families.

By playfully addressing themes of sustainability and resource conservation through the creative use of residual materials, a social sculpture is created over the course of the festival. Large, colorful, and full of sounds.


Project management:

Silvan Kuhl, for OFFCUT Zurich, sustainable scenography and mediation


Projects with participatory artistic approaches play an important role at the festival. Different school classes from the canton and city of Zurich are paired with cultural practitioners to develop a variety of artistic formats, often over the course of several months. Their work is shown to a public audience at the festival. The projects for the 2022 edition of the festival are listed below. Schule+Kultur Kanton Zürich and Schulkultur Stadt Zürich is responsible for the financing and coordination of the participatory projects. Below are the projects for the 2022 festival edition. The times and locations of the presentations can be found in the programme.


The students are the reporters of the festival. They observe with curious, inquisitive eyes and take a critical perspective, commenting on and reflecting on the events of the festival. In preparation for the festival and their role as art experts, the students attend and review theater performances, take part in workshops with media and PR professionals and develop interests and questions, which they address in their roles as reporters at the festival.


Project management

Association K&K (Mariella Königshofer, Theresa Künz)


5th/6th grade school Pfingstweid

Film Art

Over a period of two months, students explore the different narrative modes and working processes of film, with the support of professional film coaches. The students assume leading roles wherever possible: whether with writing, camera, sound, editing, directing, acting, and film music. Inspired by the festival motto "O", the short films they create will premiere at the Blickfelder Festival.


Project management: (Sira Topic and other workshop leaders)


Mathilde Escher Foundation for people with muscular diseases


Simone Häberling (

hOch 2

Through a variety of everyday materials, the project week focuses on the playful expression of body and voice. What sounds, melodies and beats can they create? How do movement and voice interconnect? What types of motion narratives emerge from this? The students of the 1st and 2nd primary classes of the Utogrund school develop singular elements in movement and voice experiments, that are later combined into more complex modules through structured improvisations. By the end of the project, the students will develop and present their musical performance as a group, interwoven with the themes and stories that emerged during the development process.


Project management:

Miriam Suter, Katrin Sauter


1st/2nd grade school Utogrund


The "MiniMuseumMe" is a museum of objects and the stories of their owners. Grandma's recipe book with the instructions for the world's best cake, her favorite mug, the photo from her old home, or the shells she brought home from her beach vacation. We all have our own set of objects, entwined with personal stories and anecdotes from our family history and everyday life.  

The selection of objects and the writing about one's own history happens in a participatory process with students of the school Unterstrass. Switzerland as a post-migrant society lives from the diversity of its members - the "MiniMeMuseum" wants to appreciate and celebrate this diversity through object and narrative.


Project management:

Habib Afsar, Alice Cantaluppi


Primary school Unterstrass


Based on "born to shine", a production of the Schauspielhaus Zurich, students deal with the topics of autonomy, belonging, and emancipation, and explore how dance can function as a language and artistic form of expression and communication. The project enables the students to discover differences (diversities) through their artistic work and to experience them as enriching. Through shared experience, fears can be reduced and tolerance and empathy for one another can be cultivated. Questions and topics that will be explored with the students include: How do I want to be seen? What are my 15 minutes of fame? How am I judged from the outside? What do I depend on and who do I depend on? How can I raise my voice - and how will it be heard? In which areas can I shine, and where do I want to have an impact?


Artistic Team

Priscilla Röck, Christine Faissler, Corina Arbenz (Assistance and expert for deafness), Manuela Runge (Artistic mediation, Schauspielhaus Zürich)


Sek 3 - Upper School for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing in Wollishofen, Partial Integration, Class 1 Ac, School Asper

Poesie meets Film

Based on questions and topics that are on their minds, the students of the Hatzenbühl secondary school in Nürensdorf immerse themselves in a creative process together with the author Eva Seck and the video and filmmaker Florine Leonie. They experiment with images and sound, try out different forms of language, and do research on music, sound, and audio. They develop a storyboard and find suitable locations for filming. The unique video poems will be presented to the public at the Blickfelder Festival.


Project management:

Florine Leonie, Eva Seck


Hatzenbühl secondary school, Nürensdorf


If things continue as they are, it doesn't look too good for several species that will soon lose their habitat as a result of climate change, including humans. A group of children from the Schütze school in Zurich has decided to prepare for this. On a newly founded planet, they create a new ecosystem, new creatures, and new living conditions. They are inspired by the animal world, by endemic species, by dinosaurs, and examples from speculative biology. They sketch and perform as newly invented species and build models for the prototype of this new planet, performing at the Migros Museum for Contemporary Art.


Project management:

Migros Museum für Gegenwartskunst (Tasnim Baghdadi, Cynthia Gavranic)


Benjamin Egger


Two 5th/6th primary school classes, Primary School Schütze, two kindergarten classes, Kindergarten School Schütze

There is no Family B

What do families need for cross-generational coexistence to succeed? Three artists from the field of theater pedagogy embark on a search for new family rights with a 5th grade class from the Borrweg school in Zurich.  The children explore their desires through their own biographical experiences: How do we want to live together? What do we dream of? What are our political demands? Together with the audience of the Blickfelder Festival, they publish the "New Family Rights Convention" and expand it through performance actions.


Project management:

KOKO Company Kopfstand (Annina Giordano, Julia Bihl, Charlotte Baumgart)


5th Primary School Borrweg